- September 04, 2007
Pocko is an independent press and a creative agency based in London (and now also in Milan). As legend goes, Pocko was a Hungarian acrobat and the first person to cross the Niagara Falls walking on a tight rope. She was a fearless risk-taking individual who never looked down. The new website was a complex undertaking and encompassed effectively managing and displaying over 45 artist portfolios and 23 pocket size pocko books already been published by Pocko. Iaminawe planned and implemented a web system and strategy that allows Pocko and the numerous artists it represents to easily keep the high quality artwork on the site up to date.
This included a system for potential clients browsing the site for artists to build their own custom portfolios that were output to high quality branded pdfs for easy printing. The cool minimal design was created by Olga from Pocko. There are a few cool South African artists represented by Pocko already including the awesome Am I Collective and the very talented Joey Hifi. We have been invited to submit a portfolio and are officially Pocko’s web partners which we think is great as they are a cool company and we like working with them.
Some of the key features of the site include:
Artist admin area to allow video and image portfolios to be kept up to date by artists and overseen by admin
Support for FLV and mov video in all portfolios
Random Featured Artist banners
Custom lightbox tool for collecting favourite artist images and then saving to branded printable pdf file for easy printing.
Full newsletter/mailing list manager for 15000+ list including success tracking.
Full RSS Feed driven news feed system for managing articles and site content
Dynamic flash flipbooks for all the books published. (Waiting on images to finish these)
Custom Ajax Gallery system allowing a range of media and no page refreshes.
Search Engine optimised pages and content
The site was an excellent experiment in combining several powerful open source systems with a custom built one. Open source systems used in this project were wordpress and phplist
- agency Wordpress
- art
- Illustration